Creating your community
Apart of Me doesn't need to stop when you stop playing the game.
Building Apart of Me
We are looking for young people interested in building a supportive community, supporting grieving young people beyond this game. Apart of Me shouldn’t stop when you stop playing the game. We want you to know that you’re not alone. There are others out there with similar experiences you can talk to and meet up with. We want to understand what we can do to make you feel more connected and supported in the real world.
We would like to hear about your experiences of feeling part of a community. We want to hear your creative ideas about what kind of things would help you and others who are grieving to feel more connected and supported in your community or neighbourhood.
Talk to us
We would really like to talk to you for an hour, either in person or online. This will be an informal conversation with someone from our team. Everything you say will only be shared with our internal team, and only if you’re happy with it. You can keep it anonymous if you would prefer.
If you'd like to be involved please contact us here or email us at